Sales Funnel Success Mastermind Details

The What

The Preparations you need to do before you can build a successful sales funnel. We do this together in your 3 one-hour private coaching sessions to confirm things like:
  • Your Niche/Ideal Client Definition and Your “I Help” Statement
  • ​Your Info and Documents needed for your sales funnel (Things like your bio, testimonials, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions)
  • Clearly Define Your Perfect Client Journey from when they first discover you, to and through becoming your client, through the Know, Like and Trust process
  • ​Organic Marketing tools like optimizing your profiles and learning about organic marketing tools
  • ​Graphics Design for your logo, favicon, downloadables, etc.
  • ​Lead Magnet design, write copy, images, 3D images, etc.
  • ​Video - recording, organizing, settings, uploading, embedding
  • ​The Tech and Automation preparations as needed (Things like subdomains, Stripe Account, set up your auto-scheduler, set up your CRM, and connecting the pieces of tech to each other)
Building Your Successful Sales Funnel - How to Clickfunnels
  • Clickfunnels Overview
  • ​Sales Funnel Components
     - Optin Page for Lead Magnets
     - Booking Page
     - Sales Page
     - Order Form Page
     - Products
     - Order Confirmation Page with CTA to join your FB or LI Group
  • Automation Follow-Up and Delivery
  • Putting it All Together 

The Wealth Building Mastermind

Using a Set-It and Forget-It system to help women grow wealth and retire early!

See What Current Mastermind Members are saying...

After working with Lisa, I have peace, knowing that the right systems are in place and I don’t have to worry about finances any longer. Also, since working with Lisa, I have leveled up in all aspects of my life - financially, professionally, and mentally. She brings out the best in her clients and helps them see their potential."

- Mindie
Just watched your wonderful LIVE event with Hayley Hall and I am so happy that I joined your Mastermind! Anyone out there who is thinking about it... I hope you decide to do it! ⭐⭐⭐ So we can all be financially savvy and financially free!

- Wendy Moore

This is definitely worth every penny! You will not regret it. Wished I joined the mastermind years ago!

- Ginny Thompson

Why Join The Wealth Building Mastermind?

One client increased her net worth by $23K in just one month!

A founding Mastermind Member saw a growth of $50K in their net worth within a span of three months!

Another client made $172K over a 2-year period of time!

One of Lisa's first clients made $3 million dollars over a 10-year period using the simple Set-It & Forget-It system outlined in the mastermind program!





Have you ever felt like...

  • ​You don't have a strategy to retire
  • ​You want to grow money but don't know how to invest
  • ​You're wondering if you have enough to retire
  • ​You're wondering if you'll have to work forever
  • ​You don't feel empowered with finances
  • ​You feel stressed when the Market goes Down
  • ​You don't know how to make your money work for you

Do You Want to...

  • ​Retire by 45
  • ​Peace and Freedom with your finances
  • ​A Set-It and Forget-It System for growing wealth
  • ​Learn to make your money work for you
  • ​Learn to Invest & grow wealth
  • ​Make Money whether the Market goes Up or Down
  • ​Teach your kids how to invest
  • ​Have a solid strategy to create your Freedom Fund
Well if this is you then let's have a chat about my Mastermind program, where I teach you step by step strategies to grow wealth.

Once you learn these strategies you can use them over and over to build wealth for the rest of your life.

Please find a time that suits you and I'll look forward to chatting more with you!

Lisa xxx

Your Coach

Financially independent at 42, Retired by 45, Financial Mentor and Coach, empowering female entrepreneurs to take charge and grow their personal wealth!

(Please note, this program is a 4 figure investment. Please only book in a time if you are ready to invest in yourself and your business. To reassure you, this program comes with a 100% money back guarantee)
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